Thursday, January 19, 2017

         I am a product of the public education system of the United States, most all of my friends and family are also products of the public education system of the United States.  I have friends who are teachers in the public education system and are undervalued for what they do.  Right now we are at the precipice of the possibility of major change in the way we think about education.

      People will argue that there are issues and concerns with the public education system in this country, and they may be right.  Where they tend to stray from being right is who holds/shares the blame.  Instead of looking at their state run board of education they instantly assume that the Federal government is the blame.  So when someone tells me that they feel the public education system of the state of Teas failed them, they tend to find fault at the national level and not the state level.  It's 2017 and there are currently discussions about creationism as it relates to science for public schools in the state of Texas, members of the state board of education want to present creationism as a scientific fact and have a judeo/christian bias towards science education.  Do you want to know why the second largest state in the union is in the lower half of the states for quite a few education statistics?  The SBOE of Texas is a good place to start looking for those answers, not the federal government, or the department of education.  I hope for the sake of the future of our state and country that Texas makes the right choice and does not become the Tennessee of the 1920's...

        I'll step down off of my soap box now... but I will talk about my experiences with public education.  I went to a fairly culturally diverse school, and financially diverse school as well.  There were some of us who grew up living in a upper-lower class environment and some of us who grew up in a more upper-middle, or lower-upper class (yeah I know... lower-upper and upper-lower seem silly).  I feel as though I am a better person, no, I AM a better person, for having the experiences that I did have in my public school education.  I was able to escape the confines of what would have been a white bubble or a christian bubble by being educated through the public school environment.  I am not scared of people that are different than me, I embrace cultural differences and LOVE to experience culture in all of it's forms.  I feel that my public school education brought out the better side of curiosity in me towards people and their beliefs.  It was a wonderful place to step out of any comfort zone that I may have had growing up.

        Okay... back on my soap box for a second...

        Public School Teachers are underpaid and under-appreciated - teaching is one of the more difficult jobs that you can do.  Without Teachers and without proper education we as a people lose.

        Science education needs to stop being debated by people who don't understand science.

        Evolution is a fact.

        There is no useless vocation.  The world needs all types.  If the subject that you excel is art, and that is what your degree and studies are in.  Great!  Create art.  If someone tells you you have a useless degree just retort back that the rest of us couldn't major in being an asshole.  Okay I'm kidding, if they say your studies were useless, just shake their hand and thank them for their opinion.  Then go ahead and remove them from your lives.

        If you don't understand something, that's fine.  However if you don't understand something and you are afraid of it and believe that it should not be present in education, that's not fine.

        All people should have the right to education.

       Thanks for stepping out of your bubble for a few minutes and reading my ramblings.  I promised to focus on writing more and already I've lied... this will be my second post in like three months.  One day I'll be inspired again...




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