Rare form...
I'm in a rare form as of late. I feel as though more and more that I am finding my voice, and having a little more inspiration. A lack of inspiration to create or do can be depressing at times.
This weekend I participated in the Women's March in Austin (it was a sister-march to the Women's March on Washington). Participation at all levels is a very important part to our democracy, and what ever your beliefs are being complacent is a problem. It was an amazing experience and something that I'll remember for a long time coming. The people were friendly and kind. There were messages of peace and equality. Something that we need right now and something that a few of us feel are not being presented by the current political climate. I'm sorry that I will not fit the mold of "quiet and complacent". I will not just fall in line and get over it. If I told anyone of my more conservative friends and family members eight years ago to get over it, I would have had an earful. I would have been called some very bad names and probably been told to go and "fuck myself" for my opinion.
To those that would tell me "to get over it", I say this to you "get over it". I listened to eight years of vocal disagreement and some very negative things, we've seen many years of obstructionism to the detriment of the american people. And if you feel that we with opposing values and opposing views should just shut up and fall in line, it won't happen. People fall in line in North Korea. People do not fall in line in the United States. We are a country based in principles that don't just go quietly away, and fall in line. Imagine if George Washington went up to Thomas Jefferson and just told him to fall in line. You may disagree with literally everything that the marches stood for (hell you may disagree with literally everything I stand for), but telling people to shut up and get in line is the opposite of what this country stands for. Marches and protests are why this country exists...
I did not in any way shape of form tell you to stop complaining and deal eight years ago. You were vocal and I stood by your ability to be vocal. You don't like my message, don't read my words. You don't like what I like, unfollow me on social media. It does not hurt me. It saddens me that you are offended by a fairly moderate viewpoint. I'm not attacking your way of life, I'm just giving you a viewpoint from someone outside of your bubble.
Now... I'm done being reasonable for a second. Ignore this last part if you would like..
Alternative truth. Alternate truth is nothing more than a fancy way of saying propaganda. I have a large amount of liberal guilt in my life because of my pedigree. My grandmother was a German who lived in Germany in the 20's, 30's and 40's (you can guess what that means). I've heard many stories about Germany in those times, and the word Alternate truth is very scary concept, it's something that played a huge part in the creation of a superpower that would go on to do unspeakable things to the world and quite a few groups of people.
Know this... The first amendment exists for a reason. It is to maintain our voice as a populace against things that we see are becoming an issue with the country. When the first amendment starts to become eroded away, the other pieces will fall, once you lose your ability to speak out and question those in power it's real easy for them to start taking away your second, then the fourth then the fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth (all at the same time). Am I being a tiny bit alarmist? Yeah... fair I am. But I'm a history buff and have read about regimes rising and falling for all my life. I've spent a lot of time reading history, for fun. History has a really fun way of coming back to bite you, a populist rise occurred in the 30's and that was one of the lead ins to the second world war. Be wary. Question and allow the questioning of those in power over you. When you lose your power to question it's already too late.
I don't care if you are right, left, green, blue, red, purple, being silent to any form of authoritarianism hurts all of us.
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