I have good intentions (for the most part). I tried to resurrect this in the past, and I failed. I was not consistent and I did not continue to write or keep up with it. Who knows, maybe I can do it this time? I like to write and discuss and hear peoples opinions. You may read this and get frustrated with my writing style (or lack there of), you may read this and get frustrated with my beliefs, you may read this and get frustrated with my travels, but I would like to start exercising a muscle that I have left dormant for far too long.
With that being said today I am going to start with being a little political. I realize that in this current climate that may not be in my best interest, and it may rub people the wrong way. Frankly, I don't really care. If you don't like or agree with the things I say you just won't come back here. Meh. I'm not going to talk about who I believe should have won or how the election should have gone. I'm not going to compliment or deride your candidate. Most of you who will read this know me. You know my political leanings, you know my religious leanings, you know me in general, you should know what to expect.
The United States of America right now is a fairly polarized environment, we have a president who won the electoral map but more than likely will lose the popular vote. We have third party candidates who did not make it to the necessary 5% of the popular vote to get public funds. I have a fair amount of friends. I have friends that look like me, I have friends that don't look like me. I have friends who believe what I believe, and I have friends who believe the opposite of what I believe. My upbringing was very culturally diverse, I've grown up and lived in Houston most of my life (which is of this writing one of the most culturally diverse cities in the United States).
Okay. Let's get to the crux of what I am writing, enough background. Here is my advice for everyone after last night, it's simple and you've heard it before: "If you see something, say something". All of this stems from numerous posts and articles that I have been reading this morning about the worst of America. If you see something, say something.
If you are out and about, let's say you are in a subway car in the NYC, and someone starts to harass a women wearing a Hijab, say something. Walk up to the person getting yelled at and just start making a side conversation, take that persons mind off the horrible things that are being said at them.
If you are at a party (bar or someplace where alcohol may be) and you see a woman getting assaulted, say something (or do something). Inform a bouncer, inform an owner of the establishment, inform the police if that is needed.
If you are in a grocery store and someone starts to tell someone of a different origin to "go home". Don't just pass it by. Don't let hatred and fear rule.
There are thousands more examples that could be given.
Do not let this country be ruled by fear, say no to hatred. One of the most powerful ways to affect peoples viewpoints, if to show them your viewpoint. Not scream at them. Not yell obscenities. If you are closed to other people, other thoughts, other cultures
I'm going to steal a little bit from Stephen Colbert (in the most paraphrase way possible)...
Today find someone different than you. Shake their hand, hug them, do whatever you feel is necessary but just be kind. Don't hate someone because they are different. Don't fear someone because they are different.
My exercise in mental masturbation is done for the day. If you made it this far, thanks. If you intend to troll me, go ahead, I'll just delete the comment. Today is not a day for trolls, today is a day for humans.
Okay. Let's get to the crux of what I am writing, enough background. Here is my advice for everyone after last night, it's simple and you've heard it before: "If you see something, say something". All of this stems from numerous posts and articles that I have been reading this morning about the worst of America. If you see something, say something.
If you are out and about, let's say you are in a subway car in the NYC, and someone starts to harass a women wearing a Hijab, say something. Walk up to the person getting yelled at and just start making a side conversation, take that persons mind off the horrible things that are being said at them.
If you are at a party (bar or someplace where alcohol may be) and you see a woman getting assaulted, say something (or do something). Inform a bouncer, inform an owner of the establishment, inform the police if that is needed.
If you are in a grocery store and someone starts to tell someone of a different origin to "go home". Don't just pass it by. Don't let hatred and fear rule.
There are thousands more examples that could be given.
Do not let this country be ruled by fear, say no to hatred. One of the most powerful ways to affect peoples viewpoints, if to show them your viewpoint. Not scream at them. Not yell obscenities. If you are closed to other people, other thoughts, other cultures
I'm going to steal a little bit from Stephen Colbert (in the most paraphrase way possible)...
Today find someone different than you. Shake their hand, hug them, do whatever you feel is necessary but just be kind. Don't hate someone because they are different. Don't fear someone because they are different.
My exercise in mental masturbation is done for the day. If you made it this far, thanks. If you intend to troll me, go ahead, I'll just delete the comment. Today is not a day for trolls, today is a day for humans.